Hypothermia Shelter 2025

This year we are again helping to host the hypothermia shelter for two nights at St. Stephens UMC in Fairfax.  We will be hosting on Wednesday, February 19 and Thursday, February 20.  We will be cooking the meal and providing evening volunteers, but we will not be having overnight hosts again this year.  We will also provide breakfast and lunch for the guests for Thursday, February 20 and Friday, February 21.

We invite you to sign up as an individual or as a ministry group (Bible study group, small group, music group, etc.) to help provide the meal.  The menus are as follows:  Wednesday -
Taco Night, and Thursday - Soups and Grilled Cheese.  Your group will be organizing the purchase and cooking of the ingredients for your meal.  Cooks will report directly to St. Stephens UMC.  The meal is served at 6 PM, so your arrival time will depend on your cooking needs.

Below is a list of items we need donated.  Please bring donations to our church (Centreville UMC) starting on Sunday, February 16 and no later than noon on Wednesday, February 19. Please make sure to label everything "Hypothermia Shelter".

If you have questions, please contact Johannah Evans at johannahevans@yahoo.com or 443-340-1313

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