Early Bird Registration fee through April 20th: the first two children per family is $45 each. Additional children per family are $40 each.
Regular Registration begins April 21st through May 31st: the first two children per family is $50 each. Additional children per family are $45 each.
Payment is required at the time of registration. The fees are collected to offset the costs of operating the VBS program and include a t-shirt for each participant, all craft and activity supplies, and a snack each day.
If the VBS registration fee poses a financial hardship, scholarships are available by contacting Joy Rangel at jrangel@centreville-umc.org.
NURSERY and PRESCHOOL PROGRAM: For Volunteer family members and currently enrolled CDS students only.
- A nursery and preschool program is provided for children or younger siblings of volunteers who serve for the entire VBS week.
- Centreville Day School (CDS) students (3-4 years old) enrolled for the 2025-2026 school year are also eligible to attend the preschool program.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Regular registration forms and payment must be received by May 31st.
NO REFUNDS ISSUED AFTER May 31st. The VBS wait list begins May 31st and children will be placed as spots in appropriate age groups are available. During the waitlist period, $50 per child will be accepted and returned if a spot does not become available.
EMERGENCY CARE FORM REQUIRED FOR EACH CHILD: A signed 2025 Children's Emergency Care Form for each child must be on file prior to the beginning of VBS. The signature of a parent or guardian is required. This form is available on the website. The completed and signed form may be mailed to CUMC at 6400 Old Centreville RD, Centreville, VA 20121 or it may be scanned and emailed to jrangel@centreville-umc.org.
Have questions regarding CUMC VBS or the registration process? Please contact Joy Rangel, Director of Children's Ministry, at jrangel@centreville-umc.org or call the church office at 703-830-2684.
Be Part of Our VBS Volunteer Team
It's also time to build another amazing team of volunteers to help share the joy of God's word with our VBS kids this summer! Ready to join the fun? Let us know we can count you in by signing up below.