Christmas Decorating 2020

Yes, we will be decorating the church for Christmas this year, just as always.  However, we will be decorating over an extended period of time in smaller groups.  If you would like to participate in decorating the church this year, you will need to sign up in advance. Decorating will be done during the day in 2-hour shifts.  Below is the decorating schedule:

Narthex:                       Thursday 11/19 & Friday 11/20    (10:00 AM - Noon)

Sanctuary:                   Monday 11/23  & Tuesday 11/24   (2:00-4:00 PM)

Outside:                       Monday 11/30 & Tuesday 12/1      (2:00-4:00 PM)

Fellowship Hall:           Thursday 12/3 & Friday 12/4      (10:00 AM - Noon)

Chapel:                        Monday 12/14       (2:00 - 4:00 PM)


Switch from Advent to Christmas Decorations:  Monday 12/21  (2:00 -4:00 PM)


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