Advent Devotion 12-10-20

Thursday Devotion with Karen Newman

Today's advent devotion was written by Karen Newman:

Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.  -  Matthew 10:40

For most of us, family traditions are a huge part of the preparation for Christmas that takes place during Advent.  One of my family’s long-time traditions is supporting Our Neighbor’s Child. Since moving to Centreville in the early 1990’s, not a year has passed that we did not buy clothing or toys to be given to children in our community.  We have loved thinking about the children that would receive the gifts we so carefully picked.  We imagined the delight they felt Christmas morning and were comforted to know that the parents of these children were able to give a gift that without Our Neighbor’s Child would not be possible.

After years of primarily serving as shoppers, we decided to step up our commitment and participate in the distribution of the gifts. Delivery to each home is a different experience of appreciation and gratitude. However, there is always at least one response to our delivery that leaves us certain that we have been welcomed in Christ’s name by a joyous and pure heart. And then somehow, when it was never our intention, we end up receiving more than we gave. That is a really awesome tradition!

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