Tomorrow (December 24) at or around noon, we will send out a special e-news with links to all three of the Christmas Eve worship services. We are still working to put the finishing touches on all of these worship services, so please be patient with us if they are not all available right at noon. We will make them available as soon as we possibly can.
These services are all pre-recorded and can be viewed at your convenience throughout the day or evening, or even on Christmas Day or another day. We urge you to consider watching the service at the time you would normally attend the candlelight service here at church.
Both the traditional and contemporary services have a time of 'sharing the light' as Silent Night is sung, so have a candle ready for that portion of the service, so you can participate at home. Similarly, the traditional service will include Holy Communion. Again, you will want to have grape juice and bread ready so you can participate in that portion of the service. If you have an advent wreath with candles at home, we will be lighting the the Christ candle during the service. You can do this at home as well.
Merry Christmas! We truly wish you were here, but we trust in the Lord that God's love will reach through the airwaves and internet lines to touch all of our hearts with the love of Christ. For unto us a savior is born!