Weekly Lay Devotion 3-24-21

Lay Devotion with Ray Leonard

Philippians 2:1-11

During Lent I have been reading “Lent in Plain Sight” by Jill Duffield. One of the recent devotions was based on these verses where in verse 5 we are told “Be in relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Jesus Christ”. The author went on to say that rather than asking the question “What would Jesus do?” (WWJD) we should be saying to ourselves “Be who Jesus is” (BWJI).

This thought has stuck with me since I read this and I have been thinking about what it would mean if we were all being who Jesus is. Certainly it seems to me that if we have the same mindset as Christ, the need to ask WWJD would be unnecessary. If we are like Jesus, then our actions will naturally follow His. We would love God with all our hearts and love others as ourselves without even thinking about it. Forgiveness and mercy would be our norm, and we would “in humility, value others above ourselves." By being who Jesus is, we would be living out our lives as Jesus commanded.

Not an easy task for any of us, but I like the idea of “being” so that my “doing” follows without question and becomes my new normal.

Lord, we can never truly be who You are, but we also know that through You all things are possible. We ask that You continue to help us be more like You so that following in Your path becomes a natural part of who we are. Amen.

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