Does Kids Quest really work?

A Devotion Written by Kim Noble

While our grandchildren were visiting from Arizona we included them in as many of our regular church activities as possible.  They do not attend church at home.  Landon (age 11) and Mya (age 8) helped us pack produce for Grace Ministries and Landon helped feed our homeless brothers and sisters at New Hope.  Landon especially loved volunteering and asked his mom if they could find some way to volunteer when they got home.  In addition to these activities both kids were really looking forward to the UFO packing event.  When we arrived several kids from Kid’s Quest were in attendance.  Landon had been to Kid’s Quest the previous Sunday and began a conversation with one of the kids he met there.  That child (and a few others) had their Adventure Bibles with them.  It was clear that Landon was talking to them about their Bibles.  After the packing event, Kid’s Quest and the church service, it was time to go home.  On the way to the car Landon told me that he wished he had an Adventure Bible.  We went back into the Church, and with Ms. Joy's help found the last one!   Like many children he sometimes struggles with the things he is feeling.  He was very excited to show me that he had found a page in his new bible that showed him what he could read depending on whether he was scared, angry, sad, tempted, etc. What a gift!  It has long been my prayer that they would find a way to explore and embrace their faith.  My new prayer is that this will be the catalyst for that.  As we were packing the car to take them to the airport I heard Landon say, “Mom, did you pack my Bible?”  I would say the answer to my original question is “Yes, Kid’s Quest works!”

Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

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