Our Wandering Wise Men – December 2

Their one consolation while trapped amongst the young was stargazing and the study of astrology.  The three men spent a great deal of time gazing at this “Starry Night.”  Almost dreamlike and unreal, this view presented quite a challenge for our friends.  Could they find among the many hues of this night sky what they were looking for? They hoped their horoscopes would lead them to their “destiny” which Balthasar knew was Latin for “of the stars.”

Today's quote: What is coming upon the world is the Light of the World. It is Christ. That is the comfort of it. The challenge of it is that it has not come yet. Only the hope for it has come, only the longing for it. In the meantime we are in the dark, and the dark, God knows, is also in us. We watch and wait for a holiness to heal us and hallow us, to liberate us from the dark. Advent is like the hush in a theater just before the curtain rises. It is like the hazy ring around the winter moon that means the coming of snow which will turn the night to silver. Soon. But for the time being, our time, darkness is where we are. (Frederick Buechner)

Today's Microchallenge:  Turn off all the lights in your house and experience the darkness for a few minutes.  Consider those who may be living in darkness, and then light a candle.  Say a prayer and ask for God’s help in sharing God’s light with them.


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