Our Wandering Wise Men – December 3

Behold!  Gaspar spied a star that was not part of a child’s Van Gogh art project. “Brothers, this must be the sign we have been waiting for. Let’s follow this star.  Our destiny awaits.  Let’s ready ourselves to meet the King.”

Today's Quote:  Strikingly, we see that God initiates the magi's seeking by giving them a star.  Today, God continues to give us stars to help us seek a godly direction.  These "stars" come with different names and in different ways, such as the star of our holy discontent that stirs up a certain restlessness within our lives, the star of our search for what is lasting, and the star of our need for meaning.  These stars and others remind us that God has placed eternity in our heart, and we will never be at home until we find our true home in God.  (Trevor Hudson)

Today's Microchallenge:  Meditate on the words of the following prayer written by Joyce Rupp.  Pray this prayer at least once today.
"God of hope, come!  Be the Morning Star in our midst, the Light that can never go out, the Beacon of Hope guiding our way to you.  Come into our midst and make of our lives a home, where your everlasting goodness resonates with assuring love and vigorous hope."

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