Our Wandering Wise Men – December 4

The magi were worried about many things in preparing for their impending pilgrimage. They had camels to pack, gifts to procure and wrap, and food to gather for the journey. They came upon a gathering of people packing food. What good fortune! The wise men could pack some of this food for their own journey. But after packing several bags of food, Melchior became enraged when he noticed their carefully packed rations were being whisked away onto carts to be given away. Donnie, a member of Centreville United Methodist Church, calmed Melchior by explaining that this food was actually part of Centreville UMC’s U Feed Others program, to help feed elementary school children who otherwise would have nothing to eat on the weekends. Melchoir blushed and said, “I knew that all along.”
Today's Quote: “It is Christ who pines when the poor are hungry; it is Christ who is repulsed when strangers are not welcome; it is Christ who suffers when rags fail to keep out the cold; it is Christ who is in anguish in the long-drawn illness; it is Christ who waits behind the prison doors.” (Archbishop William Temple)
Today's Microchallenge: Participate in packing UFOs on the first Sunday of the month at Centreville United Methodist Church. Join us in January, or pack some U Feed Others weekend food bags at home, and bring them into CUMC. (Go here to learn more about what food to pack in the make-at-home food bags. )

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