The next morning upon waking Gaspar saw an angel and he rushed to wake Balthasar. “Brother, brother -there is an angel outside our camp. Surely, he will give us a message as to where to find King Jesus. Come, come with me.” said Gaspar. As the two men rushed to the outer edges of their camp, they came upon Melchior, covered in snow. Melchior explained that what Gaspar had seen was not actually an angel, but him playing in the morning’s freshly fallen snow. Melchior showed the other two how to make snow angels. Hezekiah, the most adventuresome of the crew of camels, even gave it a go.
Today's Quote: “I can’t imagine the Christmas story without angels; it would lose its mystery, light, and wonder. This Advent, may we be open to surprise visits from angels. Often they come in the guise of an unexpected stranger, an uninvited guest or a chance encounter. In the letter to the Hebrews, the writer reminds us that when we show hospitality in these kinds of situations, we may entertain angels without knowing it. (See Hebrews 13:2.) Perhaps the angels will share a message similar to what Mary, Joseph and Zechariah heard, or perhaps they will share the words of Jesus: “Do not be afraid. Let Christ be born in you. Allow divine love to flow through your life. Take care of the alien, the foreigner, and the exile in your land. Forgive and be reconciled.” (Trevor Hudson)
Today's Microchallenge: Watch a favorite Christmas movie which features angels. If you have no personal favorites, try “The Bishop’s Wife,” or its remake, “The Preacher’s Wife”. There’s always the classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” as well as dozens of Hallmark choices.