Our Wandering Wise Men – December 19

The magi had to shin down the lampstand on which the Advent wreath rested, only to find a forest of another sort.  Balthasar recognized the red and green plants immediately and told his fellows the story of Pepita, a young peasant girl who was too poor to bring a gift to the birth of Jesus.  An angel told her to gather roadside weeds and place them before the altar, and the next morning they had bloomed into poinsettias.  “These have been put here, however,” said Balthasar, “in remembrance of departed loved ones.”  Gaspar was so moved by the story he parted with some of his gold to buy a poinsettia for Melchior on behalf of Donnie. 

Today's Quote:  “If we understood the courtesy of God, we should not be scandalized by the grief of the world: not indeed, that God has caused all these evils, or that He wills them, but that He has hallowed them.  He could have approached us through beauty and power and strength, but He has chosen to come to us through littleness and humility; and for His great purpose, the lives that we consider the most useless are often the best material.  In our lifelong seeking for the lost Child, how shall we recognize Him?” (Caryll Houselander)

Today's Microchallenge:  The poinsettias have already adorned the altar at CUMC, but consider sponsoring one next year.  Or bring one home from the grocery store in remembrance of a loved one. 

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