Our Wandering Wise Men – January 3

Our traveling wise men were delighted to meet three feathered creatures on their journey.  “Perhaps a bird’s eye view is exactly what we need to help us reach our destination!” exclaimed Balthasar. The men were hoping that the birds would give them a ride and enable them to see over the horizon.  Pastor Geitra gently explained these birds were not exactly up for flying them around town, being more decorative than functional. (This helped explain the fashionable winter garb each bird was wearing.) Pastor Geitra, however, did open up the scriptures and share with Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior some Divine encouragement for the remainder of their journey.

Today’s Quote:  “The star sign was enough to lead the magi to Jerusalem.  But it took Scripture to lead them to Jesus.  People see signs of God every day.  Sunsets that steal the breath.  Newborns that bring tears.  Migrating geese that stir a smile.  But do all who see the signs draw near to God?  No.  Many are content simply to see the signs.  They do not realize that the riches of God are intended to turn us toward him.

Today’s Microchallenge:  Take note of the signs of God you see today, and allow them to turn you toward God.

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