Join us in the parking lot of Centreville UMC on your way to work, school, or wherever the day takes you on Ash Wednesday, March 5. We are offering Ashes and Coffee to Go from 6:30-8:30 AM.
This offering is open to all – members of Centreville UMC or other faith communities, as well as those who aren’t currently attending any church. God is inviting you to relationship, repentance, and grace for the challenges of your life. Come and receive ashes on your forehead and grab a great cup of coffee as you start your day.
At 7:00 PM we will have a special Ash Wednesday worship service. Experience the hope that rises from the ashes as you begin your Lenten journey. We are reminded on this day that despite our human condition – that we are dust and to dust we will return – we have a future with God. You are invited to partake in the imposition of ashes and be comforted by the promise of God’s renewal on this day and in the season of Lent.