Chili Cook-Off in Photos

On Sunday, February 23, , we had some fierce competition at our Chili Cook-Off. It was a culinary battle of epic proportions, where the only thing hotter than the chili was the enthusiasm of all those who came!

After all the votes were tallied, three champions were named:

  • The “Hottest Chili” award went to Bill Schoonmaker for his “Mexican Revenge” recipe which packed an explosion of flavor that should come with a warning label!
  • The “Most Original Chili” award went to Phil Brown with his vegetarian chili, proving that chili can be delicious without real meat. The use of roasted butternut squash, cinnamon, and impossible meat was a “real” winning combination!
  • The “Best All-Around Chili” award went to Dan and Kim Noble for their “Doe-Si-Doe-Licious” locally sourced forest-to-table venison chili. This was definitely a fan favorite, with just the right amount of kick and some subtle slow-cooked flavors.

A special shout-out also goes to Phil Brown for all his help in making this event happen! ️

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