
Our Wandering Wise Men – December 24

Gaspar, Balthasar and Melchior arrived in Bethlehem and were looking for lodging.  They had reservations at one inn, but it had overbooked and didn’t have room for their camels in the stables.  They were putting actual guests in the stables!  Our traveling trio offered to help build some additional stable space.  If they could just master the use of this tool, they could have things built in a jiffy!  But despite the herculean teamwork effort, the wise men came up a little short.  So the magi left to look for better lodgings while they sought out this Jesus, born King of the Jews.  

Today’s Quote:  So it is that Christmas comes to a hotel.  It comes to the world of business, where sometimes we shut Christ out, and where the style is sometimes so very contrary to his.  He comes to the lonely place.  Yes, and even to the place where he may not be wanted, where there’s simply no room for him.  He comes (especially this!) to those who are away from home.  To you and me.  And then, of course, the question comes, just as it did twenty centuries ago:  Will we make room for him? (J. Ellsworth Kalas)

Today’s microchallenge: How are you making room for Jesus? 

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