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11:00 AM Relaxed Traditional Worship Service Livestream

Scriptures: Nehemiah 8:9-12; Matthew 7:7-11

The thumbnail image is from Used by permission.

Music acknowledgements: Children of the Heavenly Father, arr. Diane Bish © 1985 Fred Bock Music Company. God Hath Spoken by the Prophets, words by George W. Briggs © 1953, renewed 1981 The Hymn Society of America. Seek Ye First, words and music by Karen Lafferty © 1972 Maranatha! Music. Thy Word Is a Lamp, words by Amy Grant, music by Michael W. Smith © 1984 meadowgreen Music Co./But and Bear Music. Ebenezer – Thy Strong Word, arr. Aaron David Miller © 2001 Augsburg Fortress. The music is presented with permission under One License X-732009. Let Us Now Depart in Thy Peace, adapted by Lee Hastings Bristol, Jr., © 1961, Concordia Publishing House, This piece used by permission.

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