Ongoing Small Groups at CUMC
Small Groups are a wonderful way to connect with other adults on a regular basis for biblical study, fellowship, care and support on your faith journey. Centreville UMC has many adult small groups which meet regularly, listed below with details and contact information for each group.
If you would like to start a new small group, contact Pastor Geitra Mickelson at
Young Adults Ministry
Our young adults ministry is committed to creating a culture of friendship and faith development for people ages 18-35. Singles as well as couples* are welcome. You do not need to be a member of CUMC or any church to participate. Come and share life’s journey as we plan hangouts, fun social events and adventures, and create small group Bible study opportunities. Coordinators: James and Jimmie Pinkowski
Current small group Bible study: Embracing the Journey - A 6 Week Study
Sundays 12:30-2:00 PM In Person; Led by Garret Youmans.
This study, the first in the Companions in Christ series, focuses on an exploration of spiritual formation as an individual and corporate journey toward wholeness and holiness through the grace of God.
*These events are geared toward adults. Childcare is not currently scheduled for the young adult activities. However, if you need childcare, please let us know, so we can explore this possibility in the future.
Women's Small Groups
MOMS (Mothers Offering Mothers Support): Are you fully in your Mom Era, but still craving the fun and connection you had in your days of attending youth group? MOMS is for mothers of littles and meets twice a month. Go out on the town for some grownup fun (time and location TBD each month). Playdate fun with our kids (babysitting provided) on the first Saturday of each month in the church chapel from 10:00-11:30. Registration will be required in order to plan for childcare. Contact Jane Nance at if you have questions.
Beloveds: Women caring and sharing with each other as we lean into our identity as God's beloveds. Meets Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM on Zoom. Contact: Denise Tillema
Beloveds: Women caring and sharing with each other as we lean into our identity as God's beloveds. Meets Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM on Zoom. Contact: Denise Tillema
Companions in Christ: We enjoy learning and growing together through Bible study and fellowship. Meets Thursdays at 6:15 PM on Zoom. Contact: Sue Flom
Fannie Harrison Circle: A United Women in Faith (UWF) circle group that actively supports all UWF activities. Members arrange interesting programs on a rotating basis and have included such topics as interpretation of religious art, and study of UWF history to name a few. We meet for dinner during the summer. Meets 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 PM at members' homes or on Zoom. Contact: Kitty Stapleton
Felicity Circle: A United Women in Faith (UWF) circle group of warm, loving, caring women offering friendship and prayer partnership. Meets 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at member's homes or on Zoom. Contact: Carol Engelbrecht
Morning Glory Circle: A United Women in Faith (UWF) circle group of unique women of different generations. Meets 3rd Wednesday of month at 9:30 AM at members’ home or at a local restaurant for lunch. Contact: Debbie Fox
Women of the Well: A group of women who share the ups and downs of life with each other, and enjoy learning together how to be Jesus followers. Meets Wednesdays at 7:30 PM on Zoom. Contact: Barbara Tribit
Men's Small Groups
Old Men's Group (O.M.G.): A fellowship group for older men, approaching or in retirement, that meets Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 AM on Zoom. On the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of every month, O.M.G. meets for Bible study and relevant discussion of issues important to all Christians. Meetings are held offsite for the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of every month for fellowship and mission. For more information, contact Marshall Dantzler at
Men's Breakfast Group: Open to men of all ages and walks of faith, this group meets weekly on Friday mornings at IHOP (Centreville) for breakfast and fellowship at 7:15 AM. For more information, contact Marshall Danztler at or Mell Cunningham at
Men's Saturday Morning Study and Fellowship Group: For men of all ages and walks of faith that meets the 3rd Saturday of the month from 8:30-10:30am on Zoom. All men are invited for a time of fellowship and Bible study with this on-going group which meets monthly for a different topic, book or character study. For more information, contact Jay Moughon at In April, the group will begin a study of the book of John.
New Covenant Men's Group: A group for men, most married with young children, that meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in members’ homes for Bible study and discussion. For more information, contact Corey Peters at
Men's Congregational Basketball: A group for men that meets for fellowship and exercise on Wednesdays evenings from 8:00 PM - 9:45 PM in the ROC. No prior basketball experience is necessary. They are a very laid back group who just likes to get out of the house and play some basketball with some fellow brothers in Christ! For more information, contact Barry Ziman at
Special Interest Groups
Book Club: Read a selected work of fiction and meet with others once a month on Zoom to discuss the book through the lens of your faith. Meets one Sunday a month at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Contact: Margaret Welker For a list of books selected and discussion dates, click here.
Coffee Talk: We will roast, brew, and drink coffee together and share prayers and concerns. We will try different coffee beans from over 20 countries and try different brewing methods from drip coffee to espresso. Meets Fridays from 1:00-2:00 PM at CUMC. Contact: Jason Moon
Crafts and Conversation: We meet once a quarter here at CUMC on a Saturday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. You can bring your own craft to work on, or join a group of people who create handmade cards to put into our Welcome Bags for new Sunday visitors. Contact: Kim Wu The next meeting will be held over the summer; a date will be announced some time in May or June.
Prayer and Encouragement Support Groups
Class Meeting: A transformative small group that follows the John Wesley model. Each week we answer the question, "How is it with your soul?" We meet at noon on Thursdays on Zoom. Contact: Kim Wu
Covenant Groups
At CUMC, we have several covenant groups. Covenant groups are small, close-knit faith groups that require greater commitment and accountability. If you are interested in exploring options for a covenant group, contact Pastor Geitra at