Our Wandering Wise Men – December 24
SILENT NIGHT Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came to worship the night that Love Came Down from Heaven. They held candles and sang Silent Night. And like Mary, they would keep
Continue readingSILENT NIGHT Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came to worship the night that Love Came Down from Heaven. They held candles and sang Silent Night. And like Mary, they would keep
Continue readingLIGHT OF THE WORLD Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar were so impressed by Conrad’s story, it reminded them of a wonderful painting by William Holman Hunt called Light of the World,
Continue readingANGELS Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came across a window sill angel that was presiding over some tender roots upstairs in the CUMC. They thought of the end of Conrad’s story:
Continue readingSHOES As they listened to Conrad’s story, the wise men thought back to their angel tree gifts, and to another seeker of Christ who used to leave presents for children
Continue readingCONRAD THE WIDOWER Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came across a widower who had given a poinsettia in honor of his wife. His name was Conrad and he told them a
Continue readingSHEPHERDS Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar on their way into Bethlehem passed by a flock of sheep, but they could see no shepherds. It seemed like each of the sheep had
Continue readingLAMB After the baby shower, the three wise men came upon a sheep who had gotten away from its flock. It was Zebedee, who belonged to the CUMC Children’s ministry.
Continue readingA PENNY OPERA The last game they played at the baby shower was to “Guess the diameter of the mother.” They each had to cut a piece of yarn that
Continue readingBABY SHOWER Next thing they knew, the three wise men were swept up in a baby shower for a poor young woman from Nazareth. They played “Guess the baby photo!”
Continue readingMARY The three wise men noticed that one of the candles on the Advent wreath was pink. The candle told them, “I have many names. The Gaudette Candle, which means
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