Our Wandering Wise Men – December 19
SHEPHERDS Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar on their way into Bethlehem passed by a flock of sheep, but they could see no shepherds. It seemed like each of the sheep had
Continue readingSHEPHERDS Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar on their way into Bethlehem passed by a flock of sheep, but they could see no shepherds. It seemed like each of the sheep had
Continue readingLAMB After the baby shower, the three wise men came upon a sheep who had gotten away from its flock. It was Zebedee, who belonged to the CUMC Children’s ministry.
Continue readingA PENNY OPERA The last game they played at the baby shower was to “Guess the diameter of the mother.” They each had to cut a piece of yarn that
Continue readingBABY SHOWER Next thing they knew, the three wise men were swept up in a baby shower for a poor young woman from Nazareth. They played “Guess the baby photo!”
Continue readingMARY The three wise men noticed that one of the candles on the Advent wreath was pink. The candle told them, “I have many names. The Gaudette Candle, which means
Continue readingCANTATA The wise men and their camels couldn’t wait for Cantata Sunday at CUMC, they loved the musical ministry so much. They “sang lustily with good courage” as John Wesley
Continue readingPEACEABLE KINGDOM Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came across an old van that had been abandoned in the mud and decided to give their camels a rest from carrying them to
Continue readingTHANKSGIVING Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar stumbled upon a group of Young Adults who were giving thanks and feasting together. They gave thanks for all they had been given and let
Continue readingO LITTLE TOWN Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar were following the star and now could see their destination in the distance. The little town of Bethlehem. “It is little.” said Caspar.
Continue readingTWO COATS As cozy as the caroling had been, the best part had been giving away their chocolate! Caspar even began giving away his gold, and miraculously the bag would
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