We strive to provide a safe welcoming place where children feel loved and valued as they learn about God and their place in His Story.
CUMC is a Safe Sanctuary
We want our kids to feel safe. We pre-screen our teachers, volunteers and child care workers and implement consistent safety procedures regarding staffing, sign-in and sign-out procedures, and CPR and First Aid certification. We abide by an open doors policy, commitment to positive discipline and two leader rule.
Sunday Mornings
Here at CUMC we welcome children in worship! We want them to feel welcome on Sundays to participate in all aspects of worship – the greetings, prayers, and praise. To experience baptisms, communion and mission team commissionings. To become familiar with the church seasons and the patterns of worship. But we do realize that sitting in the sanctuary for the full worship service can be difficult for our children who most often learn better through movement, hands on experiences, crafts, and games. So we invite our children 3 years through 6th grade to join our Children’s Ministry mascot, Zebby Dee, for their own Sunday morning bible exploration experience called Kids Quest shortly into the service.
Children begin the worship service with their parents in the sanctuary. They hear the greeting, prelude and opening hymns/songs of praise. Then, prior to the sermon, all children ages 3 years – 6 th grade are invited to follow our Children’s Ministry mascot, Zebby Dee, for our special Kids Quest Sunday School time with our talented team of Children’s Ministry teachers and youth volunteers.

Kids Quest
In Kids Quest children hear, act out, or watch puppets tell a Bible story. They play games, make crafts and talk together about what God is telling us through the story. As we spend time learning about God with our friends and teachers, we all learn what it means to be part of God’s family.
On the first Sunday of the month, children return to the sanctuary to participate in Holy Communion with their families. On the other Sundays, parents are asked to pick up their children from the Kids Quest classrooms immediately following the worship service.
Kids Quest is taught by pre-screened teachers and youth volunteers. Kids Quest offers our children a safe place where they can ask questions, deepen their faith and develop a better understanding of our awesome God and His story.

Nursery Care
Our infant and toddler nurseries provide a safe caring place for our young ones under three years old during both worship services. Our nurseries are staffed by paid managers and are assisted by approved volunteers. All workers are pre-screened and our Nursery Managers are First Aid and CPR certified.
Our Child Care team provides loving child care for church sponsored events and programs. Our team is staffed by experienced paid child care workers who are pre-screened, First Aid and CPR certified, and follow safe sanctuary guidelines adopted by the Church Council. Child care is provided in our nurseries for children under age 3 and in our Child Care room for ages 3-12 years.

Opportunities for Children to Serve
Children are invited to serve as acolytes, offering helpers, greeters, and readers. Interested in serving? Contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Joy Rangel at jrangel@centreville-umc.org.
Information about joining one of our Children’s Choirs can be found by clicking on the Children’s Choirs link to the right.

Teaching and Volunteer Opportunities for Adults and Youth
All Children’s Ministry programs depend on parental involvement and the generosity of dedicated adult teachers and youth who volunteer their time to teach, listen and encourage the children in their classes and activities.
- Adult Teachers work in teams of two and teach one or two Sundays per month.
- Youth in Middle School and High School serve as Kids Quest Assistant Leaders and serve one or two Sundays a month.
- All volunteers, adult and youth, must pass a background screening.
- Teachers and Youth Leaders receive training and adhere to safe sanctuary guidelines adopted by the Church Council.
To volunteer please contact Joy Rangel at jrangel@centreville-umc.org.

What fun events will this year bring?
We have lots of family and children-focused events throughout the year. Contact Joy Rangel @ jrangel@centreville-umc.org to be included in our Children’s Ministry News email list.