Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep." ~ John 21:16
Congregational Care
Congregational Care is a ministry that helps people at all ages and stages of life to feel loved, nurtured and supported. Unlike other ministries that have a select group of volunteers, congregational care is the responsibility of the congregation. You do not need a professional degree or certification to care – you just have to want to care. Centreville is blessed to have several ministries that have been holding up the congregational care banner for all of us.
The primary mission of the ministry is to ensure that the care needs of the Centreville UMC congregation are met. There are several areas within Congregational Care that create opportunities for the congregation to care for one another: Prayer Shawl Ministry, Prayer Partners, Tea Ministry, Congregational Care Ministers (CCM), Angels on Call, Pastoral Care, Welcoming and Membership and Support Groups. To learn more about these ministries and how you can be a part, contact the church office.
Prayer Partners is an extensive prayer chain of faith-filled people who pray for those seeking God’s healing grace in times of difficulty. Confidential prayer request cards are found in the church pew racks, and can be sent via the church website. Prayer requests remain active for several weeks or more if needed. For additional, confidential information about becoming a prayer partner contact Bill Mayall at
In the Prayer Shawl Ministry shawl making begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient. The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way. Anyone can request or receive a shawl. In addition to shawls, the ministry also makes, caps and prayer squares. For more information contact Laura Hesse at
Congregational Care Ministers (CCMs) are lay volunteers who work alongside pastors and staff to minister to and care for the congregation. CCMs are trained and empowered to make hospital visits, telephone persons in need of contact, meet for prayer and encouragement with persons in need of a listening ear, offer support to grieving families and proactively seek to encourage and care for persons in need. To be a CCM is a calling to a very specific kind of caring ministry. For more information, contact Diane Pauling,
Pastors are gifted and trained to provide pastoral care amid crises. They are available to meet with members and offer biblical and theological perspective as well as spiritual care. If you a pastoral care need, please contact the church office during regular office hours, or call the CUMC Emergency Care line at 571-758-2682.
The Tea Ministry is a group of ladies who visit the home bound, nursing home residents, senior citizens, cancer patients, or even new moms. We provide tea and cookies along with cheer, fellowship, encouragement, spiritual comfort and sometimes communion. For more information, contact Sue Bertoglia,
The Welcoming Ministry creates opportunities for the congregation to fellowship and connection through baptism, new membership and fellowship opportunities. Connecting to people with the love of Christ is a vital aspect of the church. In a large congregation, connection only happens when the church is intentional. For more information, please contact Alyson Sengstack,
The Membership ministry serves to ensure that new members find their way in the life of the church. Whether they enter as babies through baptism, as youth through confirmation, or as adults though receiving new members or by transfer of membership, the team will find ways to highlight and celebrate theses joyous moments in the life of the church. For more information contact please contact Margaret Welker,
The Fellowship Opportunities ministry seeks to foster connection within the congregation through fellowship events, several times a year, that are open to all members of the congregation. For more information contact Britt Estabrooks or Alicia Thoennes,
The mission of Angels on Call is to communicate the love of Christ through assistance to those in need during times of crisis, illness, disability, funeral support, transportation, meals, visits and wellness calls. This ministry functions ‘in the moment’. When an emergency arises you may be contacted to provide support in the area of your choice. It may be for a day, for a meal, for a ride. For more information contact the church office.
Support Groups are a partnership between congregational care and spiritual formation. Small groups are formed as needed to address specific issues in a structured environment. For more information contact the church office.
The College Student Ministry reaches out to our young adult members who are enrolled in college or trade school, or are serving in the military while they are away from us. Periodically we send them cards, care packages and gift cards to keep them connected to their church family. If you have a college student and would like them to be a part of this ministry, please complete this form College Student Ministry Form. For more information, contact Denise Tillema at