Infant Room
Toddler Room
Childcare Room
Nursery Care
Our nursery ministry provides a safe caring place for our under three year olds during both the 9:15 and 11:15 worship services and also the 10:15 Connect and Grow Hour. Our nurseries are staffed by paid managers and are assisted by approved volunteers. Also note: The beautiful sanctuary lobby (or Narthex) is designed to double as a “crying room” where parents can hear and see the service while their children can play comfortably or toddle around without disturbing others.
Our Child Care team provides loving child care for our Wednesday Morning Mom’s Group, Evening ESL classes, and select Bible Studies and Special Events as scheduled. Our team is staffed by experienced paid child care workers who are carefully screened and adhere to safe sanctuary guidelines adopted by the Church Council. Child care is provided in our nurseries for children under age 3 and in our Child Care room for ages 3-12 years.