What is Confirmation?
Confirmation helps students begin to understand what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and how to live their faith. It is a time of intentional study and preparation alongside peers and mentors. After completing the class, the students have the opportunity to stand before the congregation, affirm their faith and commitment to Christ, and become a member of Centreville United Methodist Church. Confirmation Sunday is May 18.
Who: Registration is currently open for all youth in 8th grade and above, but will close on January 27. While Confirmation is primarily geared toward students in 8th and 9th grade, any youth who have not previously gone through a confirmation process are encouraged to register.
When: Confirmation meets on Thursday Evenings (7:00-8:30PM) from February to May. There will be an Opening Day Retreat on February 1 and a DC field trip on March 15 to visit the Bible Museum, Franciscan Monastery, National Cathedral, and Lincoln Memorial. There is also a parent and mentor orientation on Thursday, January 30.
Cost: $135.00 -- This covers the cost of the retreat, the T shirt, and other confirmation expenses. (Scholarships are available on request, and we certainly don't want the cost to keep anyone from participating in Confirmation.)
For more information, please contact Geitra Mickelson at gmickelson@centreville-umc.org.