What is Confirmation?
Confirmation helps students begin to understand what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and how to live their faith. It is a time of intentional study and preparation alongside peers and mentors. After completing the class, the students have the opportunity to stand before the congregation, affirm their faith and commitment to Christ, and become a member of Centreville United Methodist Church.
Who: Registration is currently open for all youth in 8th grade and above, but will close on January 15. While Confirmation is primarily geared toward students in 8th and 9th grade, any youth who have not previously gone through a confirmation process are encouraged to register.
When: Confirmation meets on Thursday Evenings (7:00-8:30PM) from February to May. There will be two half-day retreats, as well as the ever-popular overnight retreat. The opening day retreat will be held on Saturday, February 3 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. There is also a parent and mentor orientation on Thursday, February 1 at 7:00 PM on Zoom.
Cost: $135.00 -- This covers the cost of the retreat, the T shirt, and other confirmation expenses. (Scholarships are available on request, and we certainly don't want the cost to keep anyone from participating in Confirmation.)
For more information, please contact Sean Gray at sgray@centreville-umc.org
Confirmation Mentors
Confirmation mentors are an important component of Confirmation. These are individuals who journey alongside our confirmands and provide additional opportunities to explore and deepen their faith. A mentor acts as a positive role model and shares their faith with the confirmand throughout the process. Each confirmand needs to have their own Confirmation mentor, and this year we’re asking parents to help find mentors for their confirmands by Jan. 26, 2023.
Who can be a mentor?
-Mentors can be extended family members (aunts, uncles, grandparents, Godparents).
-Mentors can be friends of the family.
-Mentors can be CUMC church members.
-Mentors can live out of town, as long as they are able to be physically present as indicated below.
What are mentor requirements?
-Mentors must be committed Christians you and your confirmand can trust to honestly discuss and explore questions of faith and Christian living.
-Mentors must be members of a church.
-Mentors must be available to regularly meet with their confirmand (in person and/or through video conference).
What are the responsibilities of a mentor?
-Pray for your confirmand, that they grow in God’s love each day.
-Stay in touch with your confirmand throughout the course.
-Meet twice with confirmand for holy conversation, once by March 16, and once by May 13.
-Meet once with confirmand for serve activity of your choice.
-Listen carefully, and be sensitive and compassionate.
-Share openly and honestly about your own faith journey.
Mentors must attend:
Orientation Feb. 1 at 7pm, via Zoom
Commissioning worship service Feb. 4 at 9:30am, in person or online
Confirmation Rehearsal and Communion Service May 18 at 7pm, in person
Confirmation worship service May 19 at 9:15am, in person
When you have a mentor for your confirmand, or if you are having difficulty finding a mentor, or have other questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Geitra Mickelson at gmickelson@centreville-umc.org.