Holy Week at Centreville UMC

Palm Sunday, March 24, 9:30 & 11:00 AM
Join us on Palm Sunday at both worship services for a special palm processional led by our children and choirs. Children are invited to gather with Mrs. Joy in the narthex/lobby outside the sanctuary before the service to receive their palms and start the procession. These services will be livestreamed.

Holy Thursday Seder, March 28, 6:00 PM
On Holy Thursday, when Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, He was celebrating the Passover Seder with His disciples. We will share in this Jewish tradition, reenacting portions of it much as Jesus and His disciples likely would have done. This will be a family-friendly middle eastern style dinner and worship experience (kid friendly food options like chicken nuggets will be available).
We request that you register in advance if possible, so we can plan food quantities, but walk-ins will of course be welcomed.
To help make this free event happen, we are seeking donations of food items and volunteer helpers. Sign up below.

Good Friday Worship, March 29, 7:00 PM
This will be a Tenebrae-style service that will include the extinguishing of candles interspersed with scripture and music that focus on the crucifixion of Jesus.
This service will NOT be livestreamed. Please note this change.
Easter Sunday, March 31

Sunrise Worship & Communion, 6:45 AM
Join us for sunrise worship at 6:45 AM in the front courtyard. As the sun rises over the church, we will anticipate and celebrate the good news of Christ's resurrection. This will be a shared worship service between Centreville UMC and Korean UMC of Koinonia. Holy Communion will be offered.

Easter Food and Fellowship, 7:30 AM
Immediately after the Sunrise worship service, and leading up to the 9:00 AM worship service, we will have a special Food and Fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited to join for fun conversation and great Easter treats. You are invited to bring a warm casserole or dish to share. This fellowship time will be hosted by the United Methodist Men and United Women in Faith.

Traditional Easter Worship, 9:00 AM
Join us for this celebration worship service with full choir, timpani and brass as we sing Hallelujahs to God. Nursery care will be provided. Children will remain with their families in worship, there will be a special children's message, and will receive special worship activity packets. This service will be livestreamed.

Easter Egg Hunt, 10:00 AM
At 10:00 AM, families will be invited to the Recreation and Outreach Center (ROC), where we will gather for the Easter Egg Hunts. Younger children (ages 3-5) will begin their egg hunt at 10:10 AM in the playground, and the older children (ages 6-12) will have their egg hunt at 10:30 AM. Bring your own basket!

Easter Worship & Communion, 11:00 AM
This will be joyful and Spirit-filled worship service with brass and timpani, and will also include Holy Communion. Nursery care will be provided. Children will remain with their families in worship, there will be a special children's message, and will receive special worship activity packets. This service will be livestreamed.

Easter Flower Cross
Bring some cut flowers from home on Easter morning to adorn the Easter cross outside the front of the church. This is also a great option for family photos, weather permitting.

Family Photo Area
There will be a family photo area set up in the Chapel where you can gather the gang together for some Easter memories. A backdrop and props will be provided.
Preparing for Easter

Easter Flower Dedications
Honor or remember a loved one this Easter by sponsoring Easter flowers for the display in the Sanctuary. The deadline for orders is Monday, March 25. Dedications will be shared during in-person and live-streamed services on Easter Sunday, March 31. Since the church office will be closed on April 1, flowers can be picked up beginning Tuesday, April 2. The cost is $20/flower.

Easter Candy Donations
Donations of individually wrapped, nut-free candy are welcomed for the Easter Egg Hunt. They can be dropped off in the labeled basket in the church lobby by March 25. Some popular candy suggestions: Tootsie Rolls, Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, Sweet Tarts, Starbursts, Nerds and Gummy Bears are just a few. Just remember - individually wrapped, treat-sized, and no nuts!