The Endowment Fund

The endowment fund provides vital support for CUMC's vision to be a welcoming congregation inviting all God's children to experience and share Christ's transforming love.

Examples of grants funded by the endowment fund include an annual scholarship, the purchase of musical equipment, support of church mission programs, and building repairs.

Recent Grants from CUMC's Endowment Fund


Centreville Day School   $10,000

Cargo van   $5,000

Air purifiers for CDS   $7,150

Scholarships, 2   $4,000



Air purifiers for CUMC   $11,950

Scholarship   $3,000



Scholarships, 3   $3,000

Kids Quest   $2,000

Chairs for Fellowship & Chapel   ~$9,000



CUMC's Food Ministry   $28,000

Scholarships, 4   $5,000

Endowment Fund Annual Scholarship

The CUMC Endowment Fund will award one or more scholarships, of no less than $1,000 and no more than $3,000, to the selected candidate(s), that can be applied towards tuition, books, or other school related expenses during the upcoming school year.  Completed applications are due not later than May 15 at 11:59 PM.

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