Volunteer for the Bazaar
Many hands are needed to make this event one that memorable for the community. Please consider helping by preparing food for the luncheon, helping to set up on Friday, November 1, or helping the day of the event. Access the sign-up genius using the button below.
Vendor Information
Vendors who are interested in applying for a space at the Craft Fair should review the vendor guide and complete the application below.
This Year's Bazaar Beneficiaries
Western Fairfax Christian Ministries (WFCM), provides food and financial support to families at risk of hunger and homelessness in 9 zip codes in western Fairfax County (Centreville, Chantilly, Clifton, Fairfax, Fairfax Station, Herndon, and Oak Hill). It is best known for its food pantry. (For more information, see website: www.wfcmva.org)
Centerville United Methodist Church (CUMC) Food Ministries: provides ongoing food distribution to the local community through Grace Ministries, and Centreville Library. Its’ You Feed Others (UFOs) program provides weekend meals to elementary school children who would otherwise go hungry—supporting Centre Ridge and Bull Run Elementary schools. (For more information, see website: www.centreville-umc.org/local-outreach)
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) serves as the humanitarian relief and development arm of the United Methodist Church. It enables United Methodists (individuals and churches) to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need and comes along side those who suffer from natural or human caused disasters. (For more information, see website: www.umcmission.org)
Just Neighbors: provides immigration legal services to low-income immigrants and refugees of all faiths and nationalities in Northern Virginia to help them become contributing members of society. It also fosters mutual understanding between immigrants and the larger community in which they live. (For more information, see website: www.justneighbors.org)
Donate to the Bazaar
Our Holiday Bazaar and Craft Fair accepts the following donations:
Grandma’s Attic: Gently used or new “not quite you “ jewelry can be placed in UWF Bazaar Box in front office through October 11
Silent Auction: We need gift cards and gift certificates! If you have a card that you are not using or have suggestions for requests, contact Chair Patricia Wolfe at wolfepatriciam@aol.com. Donations can be dropped off in the front office the week of October 30.
Book Nook: Set aside books, puzzles, CD’s and DVD’s you wish to donate. (No VCR’s, encyclopedias or dictionaries.) Donations can be dropped off in Fellowship Hall beginning October 30.
Holiday House: We accept donations of Christmas items, as well as items for all other holidays. They can be dropped off in the Fellowship Hall beginning October 30. Be sure to mark for Bazaar. Contact Alyson Sengstack at sengstack1@aol.com.
Bake Sale: Donations of home baked goods and jams are needed and may be dropped off in the kitchen on the afternoon of November 1 or early in the morning on November 2. Items should be clearly marked for Bake Sale and baked goods with nuts should be marked. Contact Chair Blair Robertson at blair7478robertson@gmail.com.
Bazaar Lunch: Prepare a green bean or company potatoes casserole. Click here for the recipe for both casseroles. Questions can be directed to Jill Lee at jill.lee13@verizon.net.
For more information on donations, contact Centreville United Women in Faith at wmbazaar23@gmail.com or leave a message with the church receptionist at 703.830.2684.
Contact Information
Contact Centreville United Women in Faith at wmbazaar23@gmail.com or leave a message with the church receptionist at 703.830.2684