Gaspar marveled at the wonders of this mysterious contraption. Balthasar was so far away, yet looked so close when gazing through this little window.
“Wonder is the only adequate launching pad for exploring this fullness, this wholeness, of human life. Once a year, each Christmas, for a few days at least, we and millions of our neighbors turn aside from our preoccupations with life reduced to biology or economics or psychology and join together in a community of wonder. The wonder keeps us open-eyed, expectant, alive to life that is always more than we can account for, that always exceeds our calculations, that is always beyond anything we can make." - Eugene Peterson
Today’s micro-challenge: Take a walk or drive around your neighborhood, and enjoy the lights and decorations with child-like wonder.
Hypothermia Shelter in Pictures
Many thanks to our coordinator, Johannah Evans, and our 20+ volunteers who served at the Hypothermia Shelter this past week. Thanks also to all who provided food items for the shelter guests. Over 60 residents were served each night.
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Chili Cook-Off
Do you have a winning recipe for chili? Bring a pot of your homemade chili and enter it into our chili cook-off competition on Sunday, February 23. We will gather to enjoy the chili at 6:00 PM, and name winners in several categories. Sign up to bring your pot of
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Ash Wednesday
Join us in the parking lot of Centreville UMC on your way to work, school, or wherever the day takes you on Ash Wednesday, March 5. We are offering Ashes and Coffee to Go from 6:30-8:30 AM. This offering is open to all – members of Centreville UMC or other
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Handbell Dessert Concert
Join us for a handbell dessert concert on Sunday, March 2, at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary. Hymn arrangements will feature Jubilation, Agape Ringers, a Handbell Duet, and Good News Ringers, with instruments including cello, organ, and percussion. Following the concert will be a dessert buffet in the fellowship hall.
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Wednesday Morning Women’s Study
Journey through Lent with a supportive group of other women and deepen your joy in the hope of Easter as you experience and understand the significance of Jesus’ suffering and death like never before. Study: "24 Hours That Changed the World" by Adam Hamilton When: Wednesdays from 10:00-11:30 AM March
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Study on Luke
Dive into a study of the Gospel of Luke this Lent. With Luke's emphasis on Jesus' care and compassion for the ordinary, the sinners, and the outcasts, we hear a hopeful and inspiring word for our lives today. Study: "Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws" by Adam Hamilton When:
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Mission Ministry This Week
We continue to seek to meet the needs of those who are most vulnerable in our community. We are regularly packing food to be distributed to those in need. You can help. Join one of our small food packing teams. If you are interested in helping to pack UFOs, you
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Moms Group Activitiesby Kim Wu on February 21, 2025 in Upcoming Events
Are you fully in your Mom Era, but still craving the fun and connection you had in your days of attending youth group? CUMC’s newest group is the one for you! MOMS: Moms Offering Moms Support meets twice a month. -Go out on the town for some grownup fun (time and location TBD each month). Contact Jane
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Young Adult Study
An 8 Week Bible Study for Young Adults (age 18-35) February 3 -March 24 Mondays at 7:00 PM in Room 216 or online (Zoom) Leader: Rev. Phil Mohr Book Cost: None Nooma is a series of short films that blend the events of everyday life with discussions about God. The
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Pizza with the Pastors
Are you new to Centreville UMC or have been attending for a while and want to get to know us better? You are invited to enjoy pizza with the pastors! Pizza with the pastors will be offered roughly once a month from 12:15 - 1:30 PM on Sundays in the
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Worship Volunteer Opportunities
Worship Volunteer Opportunity! We’re making some changes in how we schedule communion servers and liturgists to include more volunteers and a greater representation of our congregation, including youth. These are great faith-building opportunities that are open to anyone God is nudging to serve in this way. Everything you need to
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Knitting Nights
Come knit or crochet with us! This is a yarn ministry, filled with yarn-loving people who enjoy creating things for missions. We make hats for the unhoused, as well as baby items for new moms. No knitting experience required. We can teach you! Join us on Monday nights in the
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Letter from Korean United Methodist Church of Koinonia (KUMC-K)
Below is a letter from Rev. Young Bong Kim, Lead Pastor of Korean United Methodist Church of Koinonia (KUMC-K), to our congregation on their move from CUMC to Pender UMC. Pastor Matthew Smith, as our Lead Pastor, replied to this letter, expressing our gratitude and offering our heartfelt well-wishes to
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 25
GLORIOUS MESSES And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedlngly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold,
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 24
SILENT NIGHT Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came to worship the night that Love Came Down from Heaven. They held candles and sang Silent Night. And like Mary, they would keep all these things and ponder them in their hearts. SCRIPTURE And it came to pass in those days that a
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Winter 2025 Planning Guide
Register for Adult Classes Join the Book Club Learn about Small Groups Sign Up for Dinners For 8 Sign Up for Chili Cookoff Sign Up for Crafts & Conversation Learn about Music Ministry Sign up for Parents' Afternoon Out Learn about Children's Ministry Learn about Centreville Day School Learn about
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