Our Wandering Wise Men Day 24

December 20

Our noble pilgrims found themselves on a hilly, up-and-down stretch of road.  Balthasar regretted not bringing his motion sickness medication on the journey with him.

“These days bathe us in images of abundance and happiness, but we pray for those who do not find in this time a season of goodness and light.  Give us eyes to see into the shadows cast by the millions of blinking lights; ears to listen beyond the carols to hear the anguished weeping; and hearts that long for the liberation your advent truly brings.” – Jan Richardson

Today’s micro-challenge:  Is there someone you know who may find Advent a difficult season?  Reach out to them.  Speak life to them, tell them how they are brave, and help them see themselves from a different perspective.  Remind them of times when God has been so faithful.

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