Our Wandering Wise Men Day 18

December 14

The wise men were excited to attend this worship service and hear the prophesy stories they knew so well. Melchior, who had the best penmanship, recorded their attendance. Hezekiah, as the chosen speaker for all three of the camels, insisted that their attendance should be included as well.
“Under the cover of a deep blue Advent darkness may Christ, this holy thief, rob you of your certainty about what you think the story of Jesus is all about. May this thieving God envelop you in the surprising story of God's suffering love which takes from us that which we can really do without and replaces it all with God's own self.” - Nadia Bolz-Weber
Today’s micro-challenge: Read through the Christmas story in Luke 2. Read it slowly, and as if it is the first time you have read this story. Did you notice anything new?

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