Youth Vocal Choirs
Voices In Praise (Grades 7+)
Voices In Praise leads music in worship one to two times a month at the 9:15 service. They sing at the 8:30 pm Christmas Eve service. They have a lock-in/workshop in late winter, and will participate in Youth Sunday on April 30. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm.
Laura Hesse
Praise Band
Our youth may choose to be a part of our Contemporary Worship Team. The Contemporary Worship Team serves Centreville UMC by leading God-honoring praise and worship every Sunday morning at the 11:15 service and other special services throughout the year.
Worship Leader
Dave Brown
Youth Handbell Choirs
Revelation Ringers (Grades 7-10)
Open to ringers with 4 or more years of ringing experience. Revelation Ringers play for morning worship 4 – 5 times a year. They also play for the 8:30 PM Christmas Eve service. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 5:45-6:45pm.
Becky Jackson
Jubilation (Grades 9-12)
Open to ringers with 6 or more years of ringing experience. Jubilation plays for morning worship 5 – 6 times a year and plays for the 8:30 PM Christmas Eve service. They participate in the Handbell Dessert Concert in early spring. Rehearsals are on Sundays from 5:00-6:10 pm.
Becky Jackson
Agape Ringers (Grades 7+)
This choir rings beginning to intermediate music. They ring in worship 4-5 times a year, provide music for special services, and participate in the local handbell festivals and the Handbell Dessert Concert. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:15-8:15pm.
Bev Bissell
Special Music Events
Voices In Praise Lock-In
The VIP Lock-In is held annually in late winter either just for fun and fellowship or to work on the upcoming Spring musical.
Handbell Dessert Concert
The Handbell Dessert Concert is annual concert by several of our handbell choirs. The concert is followed by a dessert buffet. Proceeds benefit the handbell ministry.
Variety Show
The Variety Show is held every so often to allow our children, youth and adults to prepare secular music to share in a themed show.