Centrepoint E-News Weekly from Centreville UMC:

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Upcoming Events

  • Holy Thursday Seder Meal

    On Holy Thursday, when Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, He was celebrating the Passover Seder with His disciples. We will share in this Jewish tradition, reenacting portions of it much as Jesus and His disciples likely would have done. This will be a family-friendly middle eastern style dinner and worship

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  • Mission Ministry This Week

    We continue to seek to meet the needs of those who are most vulnerable in our community.  We are regularly packing food to be distributed to those in need.  You can help.  Join one of our small food packing teams.  If you are interested in helping to pack UFOs, you

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  • Easter Flower Orders

    It's time to order Easter flowers!  Honor a loved one this Easter by sponsoring an Easter flower for the displays in the Sanctuary.  The cost is $20/flower.  The deadline for orders is Monday, April 14. Dedications will be shared during in-person and live-streamed services on Easter Sunday, April 20.  Flowers

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  • Easter Choir

    We’re welcoming new voices to help us provide something truly meaningful for Good Friday & Easter! No experience needed—just a love for music and a willing heart. Your voice can make a difference. Come lift your voice with us!   Rehearsals are every Thursday 7:45-8:45 PM. To participate, we ask you

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  • Pizza with the Pastors

    Are you new to Centreville UMC or have been attending for a while and want to get to know us better?  You are invited to  enjoy pizza with the pastors!  Pizza with the pastors will be offered roughly once a month from 12:15 - 1:30 PM on Sundays in the

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  • Centre Ridge Anti-Bullying Event

    Centre Ridge Elementary School is offering an anti-bullying event on Friday, March 28 from 8:15 AM to 12:40 PM for its students in grades 3-6. CUMC will be assisting with this event, and we are seeking 5 volunteers for each of two shifts.  You can sign up for one or

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  • Dinner for Centre Ridge Elementary School

    NOTE:  The school has postponed this event until late April or early May.  As soon as the date has been rescheduled, we will announce it here. On (DATE TBD), Centreville UMC will be sharing Christ’s love with the Centre Ridge Elementary School community by hosting an evening spaghetti dinner at

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  • Study on Luke

    Dive into a study of the Gospel of Luke this Lent. With Luke's emphasis on Jesus' care and compassion for the ordinary, the sinners, and the outcasts, we hear a hopeful and inspiring word for our lives today. Study:  "Luke:  Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws" by Adam Hamilton When: 

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  • Lenten Devotions

    We are offering a free daily devotional for you to use during the season of Lent.  "The Hardest Part:  Hurt We Carry, Hope We Find" by Kate Bowler is available as one complete download here, or you can opt to have each day's devotion delivered to your inbox by clicking

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  • Moms Group Activities

    Are you fully in your Mom Era, but still craving the fun and connection you had in your days of attending youth group? CUMC’s newest group is the one for you! MOMS: Moms Offering Moms Support meets twice a month. -Go out on the town for some grownup fun (time and location TBD each month).   Contact Jane

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  • Book Club

    Meet with others to discuss a chosen work of fiction through the lens of your faith. This group meets once a month on a Sunday evening via Zoom. Contact Mirene Capili at mirenecap@yahoo.com to learn more or sign up below.  All are welcome! Here are the book club selections for

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  • Wednesday Morning Women’s Study

    Journey through Lent with a supportive group of other women and deepen your joy in the hope of Easter as you experience and understand the significance of Jesus’ suffering and death like never before. Study:  "24 Hours That Changed the World" by Adam Hamilton When:  Wednesdays from 10:00-11:30 AM  March

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Recent Events

  • Ashes to Go in Photos

    We were blessed to be a blessing to others Wednesday morning with “Ashes to Go.” Receiving ashes as we begin our journey in Lent can be a meaningful and powerful experience. Many expressed gratitude for being able to start their day in this way, enabling them to share their faith

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  • Chili Cook-Off in Photos

    On Sunday, February 23, , we had some fierce competition at our Chili Cook-Off. It was a culinary battle of epic proportions, where the only thing hotter than the chili was the enthusiasm of all those who came! After all the votes were tallied, three champions were named: The “Hottest

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  • Hypothermia Shelter in Pictures

    Many thanks to our coordinator, Johannah Evans, and our 20+ volunteers who served at the Hypothermia Shelter this past week.  Thanks also to all who provided food items for the shelter guests.  Over 60 residents were served each night.

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Jesus: The Great Physician – Lessons from the Game of Operation! #centrevilleumc #GreatPhysician #spiritualhealth #gamespeopleplay ... See MoreSee Less

23 hours ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Nice service!

Join us at 11:00 for our Relaxed Traditional Worship service.  You can worship online with us here:  www.centreville-umc.org/online-worship/.  Which game we will learn some spiritual truths from today?  Come experience worship with us!

Join us at 11:00 for our Relaxed Traditional Worship service. You can worship online with us here: www.centreville-umc.org/online-worship/. Which game we will learn some spiritual truths from today? Come experience worship with us! ... See MoreSee Less

2 days ago
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