Adult Vocal Choirs

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir leads morning worship at the 9:15 service from September through June. They provide music for most of the special seasonal services that the church offers. They prepare special musical events including concerts, cantatas and variety shows. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7:45-9:30pm.

Laura Hesse & Jason Moon


Adult Handbell Choirs

Agape Ringers

This choir rings beginning to intermediate music. They ring in worship 4-5 times a year, provide music for special services, and participate in the local handbell festivals and the Handbell Dessert Concert. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:15-8:15pm.

Bev Bissell

Good News Ringers

Open to ringers of intermediate to advanced ringing ability. Good News Ringers rings for worship 5-6 times a year and often rings for special seasonal services, including the 11:00 PM Christmas Eve service. They annually participate in the NOVA Handbell Festival, hosted by CUMC. They, along with Jubilation and Agape Ringers, present a Handbell Dessert Concert in early spring. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm. 

Jason Moon & Laura Hesse

Contemporary Worship Opportunities

Praise Band

The Contemporary Worship Team serves Centreville UMC by leading God-honoring praise and worship on Sunday mornings at the 11:00 service and other special services throughout the year.

Rehearsal: Mondays 6:00-9:00 p.m. as needed

Worship Leader: Susie Theobald

Contact: Adam Weisz (


Special Music Events

Handbell Dessert Concert

The Handbell Dessert Concert is annual concert by several of our handbell choirs. The concert is followed by a dessert buffet. Proceeds benefit the handbell ministry.


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