9:30 Traditional Worship Service
This worship service is rooted in the Methodist traditions, inviting people of all ages to participate in corporate prayer, liturgy, and hymns from the United Methodist Hymnal and The Faith We Sing hymnal supplement. Music includes vocal and handbell choirs, and hymns led on the pipe organ and sanctuary piano. Communion is shared on the first Sunday of the month. The atmosphere cultivates a sense of awe and wonder as we offer our praise and worship to God.
Nursery care is offered for children under three years old. Kids Quest is our Sunday School program for kids age 3 through grade 6. We want our children to experience worship, so we invite them to begin in the sanctuary with their families before joining our children’s ministry team shortly into the service for their own Bible exploration adventure.
This service is also available via livestream through our website and our YouTube channel. We view those worshiping online as an important part of our congregation, and welcome anyone to worship with us through this platform.
11:00 Relaxed Traditional Worship Service
This worship service offers a variety of joyful and meaningful worship experiences that inspire hope and guidance for daily living. Hymns, as well as other styles of music, such as praise and choral, will be offered. Holy Communion will be shared weekly.
Nursery care is offered for children under three years old. Kids Quest is our Sunday School program for kids age 3 through grade 6. We want our children to experience worship, so we invite them to begin in the sanctuary with their families before joining our children’s ministry team shortly into the service for their own Bible exploration adventure.
This service is also available via livestream through our website and our YouTube channel. We view those worshiping online as an important part of our congregation, and welcome anyone to worship with us through this platform.
Other Sunday Morning Opportunities
Join us in the Fellowship Hall between the two worship services for coffee, light refreshments, and conversation each Sunday. On the second Sunday of each month, we also have a food and fellowship gathering after the 11:00 worship service.
Children can participate in Kids Quest Children's Ministry during worship. Learn more about Kids Quest here.