January 1
Happy New Year!
All Things New
Yearning for a new way will not produce it. Only ending the old way can do that.
You cannot hold onto the old, all the while declaring that you want something new.
The old will defy the new;
The old will deny the new;
The old will decry the new.
There is only one way to bring in the new. You must make room for it.
—Neale Donald Walsch
Today’s micro-challenge: What new ways do you want to adopt for the new year, and what old ways are you willing to give up to make room for the new?
Our Wandering Wise Men – December 25
GLORIOUS MESSES And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedlngly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold,
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 24
SILENT NIGHT Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came to worship the night that Love Came Down from Heaven. They held candles and sang Silent Night. And like Mary, they would keep all these things and ponder them in their hearts. SCRIPTURE And it came to pass in those days that a
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 23
LIGHT OF THE WORLD Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar were so impressed by Conrad’s story, it reminded them of a wonderful painting by William Holman Hunt called Light of the World, which shows the Lord Jesus knocking on the door of the soul. There is no knob, the door only opens
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 22
ANGELS Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came across a window sill angel that was presiding over some tender roots upstairs in the CUMC. They thought of the end of Conrad’s story: SCRIPTURE Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. (Hebrew 13:2) FOOLISH WISDOM
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 21
SHOES As they listened to Conrad’s story, the wise men thought back to their angel tree gifts, and to another seeker of Christ who used to leave presents for children in their shoes. Santa Clause had even stolen his name in a poem or two. They thought about not only
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 20
CONRAD THE WIDOWER Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came across a widower who had given a poinsettia in honor of his wife. His name was Conrad and he told them a story that has taught the meaning of Christmas for almost 100 years. And how it began with a dream he
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 19
SHEPHERDS Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar on their way into Bethlehem passed by a flock of sheep, but they could see no shepherds. It seemed like each of the sheep had gone astray, but the shepherds were night shift shepherds, sleeping during the day to watch the flock by night. SCRIPTURE
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 18
LAMB After the baby shower, the three wise men came upon a sheep who had gotten away from its flock. It was Zebedee, who belonged to the CUMC Children’s ministry. The lamb told the wise men a story about one time that he got separated from a flock. SCRIPTURE What
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 17
A PENNY OPERA The last game they played at the baby shower was to “Guess the diameter of the mother.” They each had to cut a piece of yarn that they felt would be closest to Mary’s diameter. The camels won this one -maybe because they understood how much space
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 16
BABY SHOWER Next thing they knew, the three wise men were swept up in a baby shower for a poor young woman from Nazareth. They played “Guess the baby photo!” with the staff of CUMC (Can you guess whose baby photo is whose?) and Melchior won! Balthazar had his “water
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 15
MARY The three wise men noticed that one of the candles on the Advent wreath was pink. The candle told them, “I have many names. The Gaudette Candle, which means “Joy.” I am also called the Shepherd’s candle or the Mary candle. And the candle told the story of a
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 14
CANTATA The wise men and their camels couldn’t wait for Cantata Sunday at CUMC, they loved the musical ministry so much. They “sang lustily with good courage” as John Wesley suggested in the hymnal. But their organ playing left something to be desired. SCRIPTURE And let the peace of God
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 13
PEACEABLE KINGDOM Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar came across an old van that had been abandoned in the mud and decided to give their camels a rest from carrying them to Bethlehem and following the star. Besides, they were cold from giving up their hair. They found peace in their hearts
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 12
THANKSGIVING Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar stumbled upon a group of Young Adults who were giving thanks and feasting together. They gave thanks for all they had been given and let their supplications be known. SCRIPTURE Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 11
O LITTLE TOWN Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar were following the star and now could see their destination in the distance. The little town of Bethlehem. “It is little.” said Caspar. “How still we see it lie.” said Balthazar, who was still humming tunes from the Bonfires and Carols two nights
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 10
TWO COATS As cozy as the caroling had been, the best part had been giving away their chocolate! Caspar even began giving away his gold, and miraculously the bag would never stay empty. They found the Angel Tree at Centreville United Methodist Church and began buying items for folks! They
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 9
BONFIRES AND CAROLS Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar happened upon a bonfire and people singing lovely songs about a child, the very king they were seeking. Caspar, who loved his gold, wondered what was in the refiner’s pot -and he felt as though his affections were being refined. Melchior wondered which
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 8
PEACE Theologians tell us that there was an old country saying in Bethlehem, which has since become more common about turtles and fence posts. It goes, “If you see three wise men up on an Advent wreath stand, they didn’t get there by themselves. They had to have a little
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 7
Our Wandering Wise Men - December 7 THE LITTLE TYRANT Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar had seen the star, they knew what it portended, and they had hope. But they were still not wise, and they went to the big and bright and important city of Jerusalem to ask no
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 6
STAR They had not fallen asleep, and just when all seemed lost, and not a moment before, in the east they saw a star. And it all came flooding back. All the years of study and the books of the prophets. The Lord was to come and pitch his tent
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 5
STAYING AWAKE Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar built their houses on sand, did not have enough oil, and had been wise in their own eyes. And now their foolish darkened hearts were weighed down with worries. They had even fallen asleep while waiting. While Melchior tried to stir up the gift
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 4
Prepare Nobody knows who yawned first, but yawning is contagious. Caspar yawned second, and blamed Balthazar, who pointed at Melchior who was already snoring. By the time they woke up, all their lamps were dimmed. Scripture Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 3
Building Houses So perhaps they had professed themselves wise and became fools. Perhaps they sought to become wise by becoming fools. Whatever their reasons, they became fools. Not only had they forgotten who they had been waiting for, they forgot the things he had told them to do, and so
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 2
Futility Nobody really knows how they became foolish but legend has it that one day, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar were walking in the futility of their own mind, trying to determine who was the wisest among them with a Cracker Barrel IQ Test. They became so obsessed with their wisdom
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Our Wandering Wise Men – December 1
Today is the first day of our Wandering Wise Men devotion series, which runs from December 1 - 25. Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior are about to embark on a journey in search of the King whose star they see in the night sky. Each day in our devotion series will
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 1by Kim Wu on November 27, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
The star shone brightly against the dark night sky, and drew the attention of Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior – three wise men from the east. "The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before. It is not possible to
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 2by Kim Wu on November 28, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
The men couldn’t contain their excitement, as this star was the sign they had been waiting for. They must go and worship the king of the Jews! Balthasar was well-prepared to celebrate this joyous occasion, and generously shared his party supplies with the others. "Joys are always on their way
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 3by Kim Wu on November 29, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
Fresh from the bustle of the Black Friday sales, our wise men gathered their gifts to take to the infant king. Balthasar’s approach was more practical, with his purchase of diapers, while Melchior chose something fun for the baby. Gaspar began to wonder if his gift of frankincense was the
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 4by Kim Wu on November 30, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
Knowing that the journey would be long, the wise men invited three camels to travel with them. Hezekiah, the leader of the pack, was honored to accompany the men on such important business, and offered to provide sustenance for the trip. “The magi challenge us to be serious about our
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 5by Kim Wu on December 1, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
As each of the wise men had a different opinion on the way to get to their destination, they needed a little help getting started on their journey. "Christmas can only be found. Christmas cannot be bought. Christmas cannot be created. Christmas cannot be made by hand, lit up, set
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Our Wandering Wise Men – Day 6by Kim Wu on December 2, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
The wise men were delighted to happen upon a great feast, especially one such as this. This was a feast given in celebration of fellow travelers from all over the globe, who just completed a semester of English as a Second Language classes. Surely this welcoming embrace of people from
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 7by Kim Wu on December 3, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
Was this curious celestial being friend or foe? Out of an abundance of caution, the men took cover until they could ascertain the true nature of this vision in blue. Good fortune was with them when it was discovered to be a friendly Haitian angel – an ambassador for Helping
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 8by Kim Wu on December 4, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
Gaspar thought these strangely shaped containers might be hourglass drums. Balthasar, however, noticed the wafer-like item on one end and the red liquid in the other, and had a feeling that wasn’t their primary purpose. “You meet us in our hungering with manna not of our making, and in our
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 9by Kim Wu on December 5, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
Forward progress on the journey was slowed, as the trio’s passage was blocked by a large assortment of brightly colored bags arranged around an “angel tree.” “This is the beautiful thing about the Angel Tree many churches have in their narthex. As the ornaments disappear, so does a need. The
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 10by Kim Wu on December 6, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
This was a “UFO” unlike anything the wise men had ever seen before. Close inspection of the bag by Melchior yielded little information as to how it achieved flight. “The world likes things to be large, big, impressive, and elaborate. God chooses the small things which are overlooked in the
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Our Wandering Wise Men Day 11by Kim Wu on December 7, 2022 in Our Wandering Wise Men
After many days of travel, the three wise men began to be plagued by doubts about their pilgrimage. Fortunately, they were able to pay a visit to one of the most learned men in the land, who opened up the scriptures for them and reassured them that their journey was
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