Our Wandering Wise Men – January 5

Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar had a vision of the King they sought leaving Bethlehem and making his way to Egypt.  They had to hurry if they wanted to visit this King before he left!

Today’s Quote:  In Matthew, we find that the wise men left their homes, following a star that led them to the King of kings and Lord of lords.  What are we willing to leave, to do differently; what route are we willing to take in order to anticipate a brighter future for all of God’s children?  Advent ist about waiting and watching, but waiting on the Lord is not a twiddling-your-thumbs kind of prospect, it is a proactive, get-up-and-go activity.  If we follow the story, we find that after paying homage to Jesus,the wise men got up and went in a different direction in order to save the life of the child.  Joseph and Mary did the same thing.  Listening to the direction of God, they kept moving, not remaining in Bethlehem.  But fortified with the gifts of the magi, they made their way to Egypt and stayed there until Herod died.  (Cheryl Kirk-Duggan & Marilyn E. Thornton)

Today’s Microchallenge:  What are we willing to leave, to do differently; what route are we willing to take in order to anticipate a brighter future for all of God’s children?

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